Welcome to

Kol Tuv is the kosher butcher with a wide range of first-class meat and cold cuts, and a personal service. We sell exclusively glatt kosher meat, derived from animals ritually slaughtered under the supervision (Haschgochoh) of the rabbinates of Agudas Achim and the Israelite community.

We believe in the best. Our meat essentially comes from "happy" animals, i.e. from healthy free-range cows and calves, guaranteeing top-quality products and flavour.

Quality service


Tip: Have your meat and cold cuts -
delivered to your home.
It's quick and practical..


Our complete product range:
Price list (PDF)


Quality is our highest priority:
the primal cut takes
place in France, while fine
processing is conducted in Switzerland.
Cold cut products are
created entirely by Kol Tuv